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Improving Health Through Medical Physics

AAPM Presentation at June 9-10, 2010 FDA Therapy Radiation Meeting

June 9-10, 2010

Mike Herman, Jim Galvin and Per Halvorsen represented AAPM at the Food and Drug Administration Public Meeting on Device Improvements to Reduce the Number of Under-Doses, Over-Doses, and Misaligned Exposures From Therapeutic Radiation on June 9-10, 2010. Per Halvorsen (Chair of the Professional Council), Jim Galvin (Chair of the Treatment Delivery Subcommittee of the Therapy Physics Committee) and Mike Herman presented slides on behalf of AAPM in response to the FDA questions. We continue to work on our final written comments to FDA which are due July 15th that address these and other topics in response to the FDA questions. A complete agenda from the meeting can be found here.

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