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Improving Health Through Medical Physics

AAPM Newsletter Advertising

The bi-monthly PDF Newsletter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine is an established key means of communication for AAPM activities and other items of interest to the medical physics community, with each edition reaching over 9,500 members, non-members, and affiliates. The Newsletter audience is comprised of the leaders you strive to keep informed about your company, its products, and its services. This informed audience relies upon the Newsletter to share effective medical physics practices; report on emerging trends; spotlight important physics research; and provide updates from AAPM.

The Editor reviews all advertisements and submissions to be considered for publication. Please use the designated upload link below to submit your advertisements. Please contact Nancy or Jennifer below for questions regarding advertisements:

AAPM Headquarters
Nancy Vazquez
Programs Manager
1631 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Jennifer Pursley, PhD, Editor
Medical Physicist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiation Oncology
55 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114

AAPM Newsletter Advertising Rates & Deadlines

Advertising Rates:

Full Page -
Six issue commitment:
$1,000 per ad
Full Page - Per issue basis: $1,200 per ad
Half Page -
Six issue commitment:
$500 per ad
Half Page - Per issue basis: $600 per ad

If you would like to reserve advertising space in the Newsletter, please complete this form

Billing Process: Billing for advertisements in the AAPM Newsletter is done following each release of an issue. The invoice will be sent to the contact person listed on the contract submitted.

Submission Deadlines:

Issue Deadline for receipt Available Week Of
January/February 2025 November 29, 2024 January 6, 2025
March/April 2025 January 31, 2025 March 3, 2025
May/June 2025 March 28, 2025 May 5, 2025
July/August 2025 May 30, 2025
(pre AAPM Annual Meeting issue)
July 7, 2025
September/October 2025 August 1, 2025
(post AAPM Annual Meeting issue)
September 1, 2025
November/December 2025 October 3, 2025 November 3, 2025

Advertisement Upload Links

Please upload all content to the DropBox link provided next to each issue in the table below. If you do not have access to Dropbox, please forward your submission to Nancy Vazquez for inclusion.

Advertising Specifications:

Full-Page: 8.5" x 11"

Half-Page Horizontal: 7.5" x 4.875"

File types: png, jpeg or PDF

The AAPM Newsletter allows for full-color advertisements with the ability to incorporate your provided link to a designated website so that you can track statistics. Please indicate the desired URL when submitting your advertisements.

Advertising Policy:

AAPM publications, including Medical Physics, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, AAPM Newsletter, AAPM online services, and any other media, accept advertisements for products and services of interest to medical physicists. AAPM reserves the right to reject, for any or all media, an advertisement it feels is inappropriate for that medium.