Moderator 1: Grace Jianan Gang, Johns Hopkins University
Moderator 2: Mark Supanich, Rush
| Thursday 1:00 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-1 : Adaptive Spectral Inconsistency Modeling for Photon-Counting Detector CT B.Qi*, H.Gao |
| Thursday 1:08 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-2 : Establishing Quality Control Action Limit for Spectral CT Imaging Using ACR CT Phantom and Longitudinal Measurements X.Duan*, X.Duan, Y.Zhang, J.Anderson |
| Thursday 1:16 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-3 : Evaluation of the Modulation Transfer Function From a Model-Based and a Statistical-Based Hybrid Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm Using Single-Energy and Dual-Energy CT E.Olguin*, S.Leon, C.Olguin, M.Arreola |
| Thursday 1:24 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-4 : Feasibility of Virtual Monochromatic Spectral Imaging Using Single-Energy CT Data W.Zhao, T.Lv*, y.chen, L.Xing |
| Thursday 1:32 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-5 : Identifying Active Marrow Using Dual Energy CT Multi-Material Decomposition Q.Lyu*, J.Miller, R.Savjani, M.Lawless, E.McKenzie, K.Sheng |
| Thursday 1:40 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-6 : Investigation of Spectral Separation, Effective Energy, and Dose Allocation of Split-Filter DECT Using MCNP L.Dimaso*, M.Lawless, J.Huang, J.Miller, L.DeWerd |
| Thursday 1:48 PM | TH-C-TRACK 1-7 : Synthetic Dual Energy CT Images From Single Energy CT Image for Proton Radiotherapy S.Charyyev, T.Wang*, Y.Lei, B.Bradshaw Ghavidel, J.Beitler, M.McDonald, W.Curran, T.Liu, J.Zhou, X.Yang |