Moderator 1: Paul Kinahan, University of Washington
Moderator 2: Jessica Clements, Kaiser Permanente
| Sunday 2:00 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-1 : One to Many Modality Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multiple MRI Sequence Abdomen Organ Segmentation in MR-Guided Radiotherapy J.Jiang*, H.Veeraraghavan |
| Sunday 2:08 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-2 : Quantifying Cancer Receptor Expression Using Dynamic MRI and Fluorescence Tomography Fusion Imaging System B.Meng*, M.Folaron, B.Byrd, R.Strawbridge, K.Tichauer, K.Samkoe, S.Davis |
| Sunday 2:16 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-3 : Image Quality Assessment of a MR-Compatible E4D Ultrasound Probe for Image Guided Radiation Therapy S.Jupitz*, J.Zagzebski, J.Holmes, D.Mills, W.Lee, H.Chan, A.Patel, L.Smith, B.Bednarz |
| Sunday 2:24 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-4 : Dosimetric Evaluation of Synthetic-CT Generated by Multi-Sequence MR Images for Head and Neck MR-Only Radiotherapy M.Qi*, Y.Li, A.Wu, X.Lu, Y.Liu, L.Zhou, T.Song |
| Sunday 2:32 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-5 : Development of Realistic Multi-Contrast Textured XCAT (MT-XCAT) Phantoms Using a Dual-Discriminator Conditional-Generative Adversarial Network (D-CGAN) Y.Chang*, K.Lafata, P.Segars, F.Yin, L.Ren |
| Sunday 2:40 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-6 : A Multimodality Approach Using Deep Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Localization of Intrahepatic Liver Cancer Recurrence Post-SBRT L.Wei*, D.Owen, K.Cuneo, T.Lawrence, R.Ten Haken, I.El Naqa |
| Sunday 2:48 PM | SU-D-TRACK 1-7 : Four-Dimensional Microwave Imaging and Motion Detection and Tracking of a Mobile Phantom with a Microwave Transmitter-Receiver System N.Alsbou*, S.Ahmad, I.Ali |