Moderator 1: Issam El Naqa, University of Michigan
Moderator 2: Mark Oldham, Duke University Medical Center
| Sunday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 3-0 : Thunder and Light(ning): Applications and Potential of Radiation Acoustics and Optics K.Parodi*, S.Hickling*, S.Avery*, L.Xiang*, B.Pogue*, M.Oldham*, T.Zhu*, S.Cherry* |
| | 1:00 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-1 | Overview of radiation acoustics (RA): Principles and technologies K.Parodi* |
| | 1:15 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-2 | Recent applications of radiation acoustics in photon therapy: dosimetry and guidance S.Hickling* |
| | 1:30 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-3 | Recent applications of radiation acoustics in particle therapy: proton range verification S.Avery* |
| | 1:45 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-4 | Role of radiation acoustics in low dose medical imaging: low-dose CT L.Xiang* |
| | 2:00 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-5 | Treatment verification from Cherenkov Imaging during radiation therapy B.Pogue* |
| | 2:15 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-6 | Therapeutic Cherenkov photo-activation during radiation therapy M.Oldham* |
| | 2:30 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-7 | Superficial dosimetry and optical imaging T.Zhu* |
| | 2:45 PM SU-CD-TRACK 3-8 | Novel applications of Cherenkov light in instrumentation for PET S.Cherry* |