Moderator 1: Geoffrey Hugo, Washington University School of Medicine
Moderator 2: Leigh Conroy, The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network
| Tuesday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | TU-C-TRACK 5-0 : Matters of the Heart: From Cardiac Radioablation to Cardiac Sparing and Toxicity C.Robinson*, M.Cao*, C.Glide-Hurst* |
| | 1:00 PM TU-C-TRACK 5-1 | Clinical Outcomes after Noninvasive Cardiac Radioablation for Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) C.Robinson* |
| | 1:20 PM TU-C-TRACK 5-2 | Imaging technologies for Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) of Cardiac Ventricular Tachycardia M.Cao* |
| | 1:40 PM TU-C-TRACK 5-3 | Leveraging advanced technologies for improved cardiac sparing C.Glide-Hurst* |