Moderator 1: X. Sharon Qi, UCLA School of Medicine
Moderator 2: X. Allen Li, Medical College of Wisconsin
| Thursday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | TH-B-TRACK 5-0 : Outcome Modeling and Response Prediction X.Li*, I.El Naqa*, J.Seuntjens*, X.Qi* |
| | 11:30 AM TH-B-TRACK 5-1 | Introduction: outcome modeling and response prediction from analytic to data-driven X.Li* |
| | 11:45 AM TH-B-TRACK 5-2 | Radiomics and radiogenomics modeling with machine learning I.El Naqa* |
| | 12:00 PM TH-B-TRACK 5-3 | Multimodality radiomics and deep learning for outcome modeling: application in head & neck cancer J.Seuntjens* |
| | 12:15 PM TH-B-TRACK 5-4 | Opportunities and challenges of outcome modeling & response prediction for radiation therapy X.Qi* |