Moderator 1: Sara St. James, UCSF
Moderator 2: Carrie Hruska, Mayo Clinic
| Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | TH-CD-TRACK 2-0 : Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies: How Do We Get There and Where Can It Take Us? J.Sunderland*, S.St. James*, E.Roncali*, R.Rockne* |
| | 1:00 PM TH-CD-TRACK 2-1 | Quantitative SPECT and PET in Absorbed Dose Calculations for Radionuclide Therapies J.Sunderland* |
| | 1:30 PM TH-CD-TRACK 2-2 | Calculating and Reporting Absorbed Dose from Radionuclide Therapies S.St. James* |
| | 2:00 PM TH-CD-TRACK 2-3 | Mathematical Models to Improve Prediction of Absorbed Dose from 90Y Microspheres E.Roncali* |
| | 2:30 PM TH-CD-TRACK 2-4 | Optimizing Treatment with Radionuclide Therapy and Immunotherapy R.Rockne* |