Moderator 1: George Starkschall
Moderator 2: Joann Prisciandaro, University of Michigan
| Sunday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | SU-A-TRACK 6-0 : Education Council Symposium: CAMPEP 101 G.Starkschall*, M.McNitt-Gray*, D.Hintenlang*, N.Dogan* |
| | 10:30 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-1 | Introduction, History of Medical Physics Program Accreditation in North America G.Starkschall* |
| | 10:35 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-2 | Organization of CAMPEP and its Relationship to Other Organizations M.McNitt-Gray* |
| | 10:50 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-3 | Review Process for Graduate Programs D.Hintenlang* |
| | 10:55 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-4 | Review Process for Residency Programs N.Dogan* |
| | 11:00 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-5 | Board Activities: Final Review of Programs, International Activities, Role in the MedPhys Match M.McNitt-Gray* |
| | 11:20 AM SU-A-TRACK 6-6 | Questions & Answers