Moderator 1: Nancy Ford, University of British Columbia
Moderator 2: Thorarin Bjarnason, Interior Health
| Tuesday 2:00 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-1 : JACK KROHMER JUNIOR INVESTIGATOR COMPETITION WINNER: Model Observers Predict Radiologists' Detection of Retained Foreign Objects in Homogenous and Anthropomorphic Backgrounds K.Blunt*, E.Marshall, J.Cruz Bastida, A.Clarey, Z.Lu, A.Dachman, I.Reiser |
| Tuesday 2:08 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-2 : Development of Cost-Effective Phantoms for 2D X-Ray Imaging Applications Using Stackable Binary Images From An Inkjet Printer J.Cruz Bastida*, N.Reiser, J.George, E.Pearson, E.Marshall, N.Baughan, H.Al-Hallaq, K.Feinstein, I.Reiser |
| Tuesday 2:16 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-3 : Implementation of Flag Criteria to Establish Target Exposure Indices and Identify Practice Variation in Digital Radiography P.Chaudhary*, K.Hulme, X.Li |
| Tuesday 2:24 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-4 : Measurement of Spatial-Frequency-Dependent Pulse Height Spectra of X-Ray Scintillators Using Single X-Ray Imaging S.Dow*, A.Howansky, A.Lubinsky, W.Zhao |
| Tuesday 2:32 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-5 : New Development of Blocking Layer and Doping of Amorphous Selenium to Improve the Imaging Performance of Flat-Panel Imager with Avalanche Gain C.Orlik*, A.Howansky, S.Levéillé, A.Mishchenko, J.Stavro, A.Goldan, J.Scheuermann, W.Zhao |
| Tuesday 2:40 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-6 : Assessing Digital Image Receptor Performance Using the Noise-Response Method: A Feasibility Study for Routine Quality Control G.Fong*, K.Wunderle |
| Tuesday 2:48 PM | TU-D-TRACK 1-7 : Real-Time Dual-Energy Pulmonary Angiography On An Interventional C-Arm E.Nikolau*, M.Wagner, S.Schafer, M.Speidel |