Moderator 1: Ingrid Reiser, The University of Chicago
Moderator 2: Martin Yaffe, Sunnybrook Research Institute
| Thursday 2:00 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-1 : Clinical Translation of a Novel Megavoltage Multi-Layer Imager T.Harris*, J.Seco, D.Ferguson, P.Huber, M.Lehmann, M.Shi, M.Jacobson, I.Valencia Lozano, M.Myronakis, D.Morf, P.Baturin, R.Fueglistaller, R.Berbeco |
| Thursday 2:08 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-2 : Deep Learning-Augmented Novel Radioluminescence Imaging System for Quality Assurance of Multileaf Collimators (MLC) M.jia*, X.Li, Y.Yang, L.Wang, L.Xing |
| Thursday 2:16 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-3 : Performance Enhancement of An Experimental Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging System by Using the Latest Generation Single Crystal Cadmium Telluride Detector H.Moktan Tamang*, S.Jayarathna, S.Cho |
| Thursday 2:24 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-4 : In Vivo Longitudinal Quantification of Radiopacity of a Nanoparticle-Infused Biodegradable Inferior Vena Cava Filter in a Porcine Model J.Perez*, J.Damasco, M.Jacobsen, A.Melancon, M.Eggers, S.Huang, R.Layman, M.Melancon |
| Thursday 2:32 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-5 : Characterization and Optimization of a Scatter Imaging Camera K.Jones*, J.Chu, J.Strologas, A.Templeton, D.Bernard, J.Turian |
| Thursday 2:40 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-6 : Advancements in Radar-Based Breast Microwave Imaging at the University of Manitoba: Phantom Development, Image Reconstruction, and Machine Learning Applications T.Reimer*, S.Pistorius |
| Thursday 2:48 PM | TH-D-TRACK 1-7 : Benchtop Coherent X-Ray Scatter Projection Imaging: From Synchrotrons to X-Ray Tubes C.Dydula*, P.Johns |