Moderator 1: Virginia Tsapaki, International Atomic Energy Agency
Moderator 2: Samuel Brady, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Med Center
| Sunday 11:30 AM | SU-B-TRACK 1-1 : BEST IN PHYSICS (IMAGING): Skin Dose Mapping by Convolution of the Dose Point Spread Function Over a Curved Surface S.Sun*, C.Guo, S.Rudin, D.Bednarek |
| Sunday 11:38 AM | SU-B-TRACK 1-2 : The Application of a Correction for Angle of X-Ray Incidence in the Skin Dose Tracking System During Fluoroscopically-Guided Procedures S.Sun*, C.Guo, S.Rudin, D.Bednarek |
| Sunday 11:46 AM | SU-B-TRACK 1-3 : Quantifying the Effectiveness of Non-Leaded Protective Drapes in Interventional Radiology and Cardiology M.Robins*, K.Little, X.Jiang, X.Yang, J.Zhang, D.Hintenlang |
| Sunday 11:54 AM | SU-B-TRACK 1-4 : Effect of Lead Shielding On Patient Dose in Digital Radiography with Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) Driven Imaging Systems A.Gautam*, L.Kroger, K.Barton, B.Hodge, J.Seibert |
| Sunday 12:02 PM | SU-B-TRACK 1-5 : (Un)Likelihood of Skin Injury When Substantial Radiation Doses Are Exceeded M.Vanderhoek*, C.Morrison |
| Sunday 12:10 PM | SU-B-TRACK 1-6 : Cross-Platform App Facilitating Radiation Exposure Assessments in Epidemiological Studies D.Borrego*, C.Lee, |
| Sunday 12:18 PM | SU-B-TRACK 1-7 : Dosimetric Performance of Fluoroscopes Participating in the American College of Radiology Fluoroscopy Dose Index Registry Pilot K.Wunderle*, A.Jones, S.Dharmadhikari, X.Duan, D.Kim, U.Mahmood, S.Mann, J.Moirano, R.Neill, A.Schoenfeld |