Moderator 1: Chia-Ho Hua, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital
Moderator 2: Stella Flampouri, Emory University
| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | WE-A-TRACK 5-0 : Point/Counterpoint: Most Pediatric Patients Should Be Treated at Proton Therapy Centers C.Hua*, S.Flampouri*, P.Xia*, D.Mah*, A.Olch* |
| | 10:30 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-1 | Overview of pediatric radiotherapy: photon, proton, and beyond C.Hua* |
| | 10:40 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-2 | For the proposition: Proton therapy is technically superior to photon therapy S.Flampouri* |
| | 10:50 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-3 | Against the Proposition: Photon Therapy is More Versatile and Delivery is Less Uncertain Than Proton Therapy P.Xia* |
| | 11:00 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-4 | For the Proposition: Proton Therapy for Pediatric Patients: Positively Necessary D.Mah* |
| | 11:10 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-5 | Against the proposition: Very few pediatric patients will clinically benefit from protons over photons (Does every Gy matter?) A.Olch* |
| | 11:20 AM WE-A-TRACK 5-6 | Q&A