Moderator 1: Antonio Damato, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Moderator 2: John Lewis, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
| Tuesday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | TU-F-TRACK 5-0 : Practical Integration of MRI in Clinical Radiation Oncology C.Williams*, V.Yu*, A.Ravi* |
| | 4:30 PM TU-F-TRACK 5-1 | Introducing MRI-only technology: practical experience in project development, commissioning and clinical deployment of MRI sim/linac C.Williams* |
| | 4:50 PM TU-F-TRACK 5-2 | MRI simulation and MRI-only planning V.Yu* |
| | 5:10 PM TU-F-TRACK 5-3 | Design, commissioning and clinical implementation of an MRI-only brachytherapy suite A.Ravi* |