Moderator 1: Matthew DeLorenzo, University of Virginia Health Systems
Moderator 2: Kai Yang, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital
| Tuesday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | TU-AB-TRACK 4-0 : Updates On Shielding Design for Diagnostic Medical Physicists M.DeLorenzo*, T.Fisher*, R.Wendt*, K.Yang*, C.Martin* |
| | 10:30 AM TU-AB-TRACK 4-1 | Automated tools and strategies for shielding design M.DeLorenzo* |
| | 10:54 AM TU-AB-TRACK 4-2 | NCRP-147: Overview and New Challenges T.Fisher* |
| | 11:18 AM TU-AB-TRACK 4-3 | Considerations for the Shielding of Nuclear Medicine and PET Facilities R.Wendt* |
| | 11:42 AM TU-AB-TRACK 4-4 | Updated workload and scatter information for shielding calculations: DBT and interventional CT rooms K.Yang* |
| | 12:06 PM TU-AB-TRACK 4-5 | Shielding design methods from the United Kingdom C.Martin* |