Moderator 1: Craig Abbey, University of California - Santa Barbara
Moderator 2: John Boone, UC Davis Medical Center
| Sunday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | SU-A-TRACK 1-0 : Calibrating the Radiologist: Sequential Effects in the Reading Room C.Abbey*, S.Taylor-Phillips*, M.Webster* |
| | 10:30 AM SU-A-TRACK 1-1 | The Case for Sequential Reading Effects in Batch Reading C.Abbey* |
| | 10:50 AM SU-A-TRACK 1-2 | Evidence for sequential effects in reading from a million women’s mammograms in the UK S.Taylor-Phillips* |
| | 11:10 AM SU-A-TRACK 1-3 | Visual adaptation and medical image perception: how images can shape what you see M.Webster* |