Moderator: Ryan Flynn, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
| Thursday 10:30 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-1 : BEST IN PHYSICS (THERAPY): Deep Learning-Assisted Algorithm for Catheter Reconstruction During MR-Only Gynecological Interstitial Brachytherapy A.Shaaer*, M.Paudel, M.Smith, F.Tonolete, E.Leung, A.Ravi |
| Thursday 10:38 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-2 : Accurate Post-Implantation Dose Reconstruction of CivaSheet, Aided by Machine Learning Techniques I.Veltchev*, R.Price, X.Chen, K.Howell, J.Meyer, C.Ma |
| Thursday 10:46 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-3 : Implementation of a Novel HDR Source Tracking Model for Source Quality Assurance Using Radiochromic Film Dosimetry S.Aldelaijan*, S.Devic, H.Bekerat, P.Papaconstadopoulos, J.Schneider, J.Seuntjens, R.Cormack, I.Buzurovic |
| Thursday 10:54 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-4 : MRI Multi-Needle Reconstruction Using Deep Learning for MRI-Guided Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy X.Dai*, Y.Lei, Y.Zhang, L.Qiu, T.Wang, W.Curran, P.Patel, T.Liu, X.Yang |
| Thursday 11:02 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-5 : Simultaneous Needle Selection and Dwell Time Optimization in Prostate Cancer High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy C.Wang*, Y.Gonzalez, C.Shen, X.Jia |
| Thursday 11:10 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-6 : Custom Template Design and Manufacture Automation for Interstitial Gynecological Brachytherapy M.Kudla*, J.Moore, J.Crook, D.Batchelar, F.Bachand |
| Thursday 11:18 AM | TH-A-TRACK 3-7 : Investigating the Impact of Model-Based Dose Calculation On Interstitial Lung Brachytherapy and Comparison to External Beam SBRT D.O'Connell*, A.Chang, A.Lee, P.Venkat, M.Hagio, Y.Yang, S.Park |