Moderator: Lei Dong, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Jon Kruse, Mayo Clinic
| Wednesday 10:30 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-1 : A New Method for Rapid Reconstruction of Patient Neutron Dose in Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Treatment Y.Yeom*, K.Griffin, M.Mille, J.Jung, C.Lee, C.Lee |
| Wednesday 10:46 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-3 : A Novel Energy Layer Optimization Framework for Spot-Scanning Proton Arc Therapy W.Gu*, D.Ruan, Q.Lyu, J.Zou, L.Dong, K.Sheng |
| Wednesday 10:54 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-4 : Comparison of the Dosimetric Accuracy of Proton Breast Plans Delivered with VisionRT and CBCT Setup M.MacFarlane*, K.Jiang, M.Mundis, E.Nichols, S.Chen, N.Biswal |
| Wednesday 11:02 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-5 : GPU-Accelerated Treatment Planning System for Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) J.Shan*, W.Wong, S.Patel, S.Schild, M.Fatyga, W.Liu |
| Wednesday 11:10 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-6 : Noise Reduction of Proton-Acoustic Signal for Proton Range Verification Using Stacked Auto-Encoder (SAE) J.Sohn*, Y.Lei, W.Nie, S.Avery, X.Yang, T.Liu |
| Wednesday 11:18 AM | WE-A-TRACK 3-7 : Quantitative Proton Radiation Therapy Dosimetry Using the Storage Phosphor Europium Doped Potassium Chloride J.Setianegara*, T.Mazur, B.Maraghechi, A.Darafsheh, D.Yang, T.Zhao, H.Li |