Moderator 1: Brian Keller, Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Department of Medical Physics
Moderator 2: Jennifer Smilowitz, University of Wisconsin
| Thursday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | TH-C-TRACK 5-0 : Development of a Clinical Program for MR-Linac Technology: Tips From Installation to Clinical Implementation J.Wang*, B.Keller*, J.Smilowitz* |
| | 1:00 PM TH-C-TRACK 5-1 | MRI Safety in Radiation Oncology Environment J.Wang* |
| | 1:15 PM TH-C-TRACK 5-2 | Clinical Readiness of an MR-Linac: Tips and Tricks B.Keller* |
| | 1:30 PM TH-C-TRACK 5-3 | Adaptive radiotherapy in an MR-Linac : Effective and streamlined implementation of an online adaptive RT Process J.Smilowitz* |
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