Moderator: Julianne Pollard-Larkin, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
| Wednesday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | WE-F-TRACK 6-0 : Effective Communication for Leading Diverse Clinical Teams J.Pollard-Larkin*, L.Cervino*, K.Hendrickson*, S.Avery*, T.Juang*, E.Ford*, M.Mahesh* |
| | 4:30 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-1 | What is Effective Communication and How to Use it to Lead your Diverse Radiation Oncology Team J.Pollard-Larkin* |
| | 4:35 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-2 | What is Unconscious Bias and How can we use Diversity, Inclusion and Equity to Combat It? L.Cervino* |
| | 4:40 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-3 | Strategies for Women to Lean In on Radiation Oncology Teams K.Hendrickson* |
| | 4:45 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-4 | Strategies for Underrepresented Physicists to Lean In on Radiation Oncology Teams S.Avery* |
| | 4:50 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-5 | How to make your Radiation Oncology Team more Inclusive to Junior Physicists T.Juang* |
| | 4:55 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-6 | Effective Communication is The Key to Highly Reliable Rad Onc Teams E.Ford* |
| | 5:00 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-7 | Effective Communication is the Key to Medical Physics Leadership M.Mahesh* |
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| | 5:15 PM WE-F-TRACK 6-9 | Small Group Team Building Exercise