Moderator 1: Jeremy Hoisak, UC San Diego
Moderator 2: Kathleen Surry, London Regional Cancer Program
| Monday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | MO-F-TRACK 6-0 : Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation N.Barrett*, Y.Rong*, F.Khosa* |
| | 4:30 PM MO-F-TRACK 6-1 | Introduction
| | 4:35 PM MO-F-TRACK 6-2 | What is Mentorship? N.Barrett* |
| | 4:50 PM MO-F-TRACK 6-3 | What it is to be a Good Mentor? Y.Rong* |
| | 5:05 PM MO-F-TRACK 6-4 | Power Balances and Acknowledging the Challenges of EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in a Mentorship Program and Individual Relationships F.Khosa* |
| | 5:20 PM MO-F-TRACK 6-5 | Panel Discussion (N Barrett, Y Rong, F Khosa, A Roth)