Moderator 1: Laura Cervino, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Moderator 2: Indrin Chetty, Henry Ford Health System
| Sunday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | SU-D-TRACK 5-0 : Adaptive Radiotherapy G.Hugo*, M.Matuszak*, M.Cao* |
| | 2:00 PM SU-D-TRACK 5-1 | Adaptive Radiotherapy for Anatomical Changes G.Hugo* |
| | 2:20 PM SU-D-TRACK 5-2 | Functional Adaptation in Radiation Therapy M.Matuszak* |
| | 2:40 PM SU-D-TRACK 5-3 | Quality assurance and workflow considerations for online and offline adaptive radiotherapy M.Cao* |