Moderator 1: Per Poulsen, Aarhus University Hospital
Moderator 2: Laura Cervino, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
| Sunday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | SU-A-TRACK 5-0 : Monitoring, Mitigation, and Impact of Intrafraction Tumor Motion J.Bertholet*, B.Jones*, J.Lagendijk* |
| | 10:30 AM SU-A-TRACK 5-1 | Real-time intrafraction motion monitoring: Review of available methods J.Bertholet* |
| | 10:50 AM SU-A-TRACK 5-2 | Motion management for pancreatic radiotherapy B.Jones* |
| | 11:10 AM SU-A-TRACK 5-3 | Intrafraction motion management with the MR-linac: Status and opportunities J.Lagendijk* |