Moderator 1: Jay Burmeister, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Moderator 2: Kristen McConnell, UC San Diego
| Sunday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | SU-CD-TRACK 6-0 : AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Radiobiology - The Key Toward Individualized Patient Care K.McConnell*, V.Moiseenko*, M.Joiner*, E.Thompson*, R.Stewart* |
| | 1:00 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-1 | Introduction
| | 1:02 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-2 | I’m just a Trainee…How Can I Possibly Help? K.McConnell* |
| | 1:20 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-3 | Deconvolving Individual Dose Response to Maximize Therapeutic Ratio V.Moiseenko* |
| | 1:40 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-4 | Practical Radiobiologic Concepts All Physicists Should Know Well M.Joiner* |
| | 2:00 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-5 | Telling the Biological Story with Multi-Modality Imaging E.Thompson* |
| | 2:20 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-6 | Opportunities for Personalized Multi-Modality Radiation Therapy R.Stewart* |
| | 2:40 PM SU-CD-TRACK 6-7 | Panel Discussion