(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: To create a cost-effective solution to providing patient access to the visual positional feedback monitor of VisionRT to improve setup and treatment times.
Methods: Recumbent glasses allow a patient in a supine position to see almost 90 degrees from his/her original line of vision. The VisionRT in-room monitor was placed on a counter perpendicular to the treatment couch, allowing the patient to see the visual positional feedback from the VisionRT system, while wearing the recumbent glasses. Analysis of each patient’s VisionRT reports and Truebeam treatment times were performed for a total of 8 DIBH breast patients, undergoing Canadian fractionation radiotherapy. Five of the patients received treatment without the recumbent glasses. The mean age of the groups treated with and without glasses was 70.5 and 62.6 years, respectively. The VisionRT’s reported total patient monitoring time was averaged across each of the 16 fractions as was the total treatment time from Aria’s RT summary; both were used to assess improvement in treatment time due to the glasses.
Results: The average Vision RT patient monitoring time per fraction was 8.77±2.65 minutes for patients treated without glasses and 8.29 minutes for patients treated wearing the glasses. The average total treatment time per fraction from Aria’s RT summary was 5.51±2.17 minutes and 3.78 minutes, for patients treated without and with glasses respectively, demonstrating a reduction in average treatment time per fraction when using the glasses. The average number of MV portal images acquired over the course of treatment was 8±3.4 versus 6.7 for patients treated without and with glasses, suggesting that patient setup was more consistent with the glasses.
Conclusion: The use of recumbent glasses for DIBH patients treated using VisionRT improved treatment quality by decreasing the average per fraction treatment time, improving patient setup consistency, and minimizing setup MV imaging.
Surface Matching, Quality Control, Breast
TH- External Beam- Photons: Motion management - interfraction
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