(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: aim of this research was to compare a six-beam Dynamic Multi Leaf Collimator(DMLC) technique with a restricted Tangential Volumetric Modulate Arc Therapy(tVMAT) technique for convex chest wall after breast-conserving surgery(BCS).
Methods: patients with carcinoma right-breast whose chest walls were convex or barrel shaped (curvature distance 'x' equal to or more than 3 cm) were selected for this study.All the patients were already treated with Breast Conserving Surgery(BCS).Patients were prescribed 45Gy in 25 fractions followed by boost to the tumor bed.They were planned using two different techniques including: 1) Six beam DMLC; and 2) Restricted Tangential volumetric Arc Therapy(tVMAT).All other normal tissues and OAR were contoured according to the RTOG guidelines.
Results: Index(HI) and Conformity Index(CI) were comparable for both tVMAT and DMLC.PTV volume receiving 95% of prescription dose was better in DMLC (96.41±1.03) as compared to tVMAT (92.24±13.31).V100% was much better in DMLC (83.91±3.25) as compared to tVMAT (70.18±9.74).V107% was reduced in tVMAT (1.93±3.39) than DMLC (2.59±5.08).D95(Gy) was better in DMLC (96.41±1.03) than tVMAT (92.24±13.31).For ipsilateral lung, V10 and V5 were greatly reduced in DMLC (36.77±2.31, 47.61±2.84) but for tVMAT, V10 was more than the limits (43.95±10.15) but V5 was well within the limit (56.94±18.37). The V20, V30 and mean ipsilateral lung dose was less in DMLC.Mean heart doses in DMLC and tVMAT were 2.61±0.94 and 4.57±2.61.Mean contralateral breast dose was better in DMLC (2.39±1.28) as compared to tVMAT (4.07±1.70).All other OARs like contralateral lung,Esophagus,Spine,Thyroid and Liver were slightly better in DMLC as compared to tVMAT.Volume of 50% and 20% isodose lines was greatly reduced in DMLC.
Conclusion: beam DMLC treatment planning techniques are best suited for BCS patients with a more convex chest wall.The VMAT plans are more conformal and treatment time was less but with DMLC technique, various OAR and integral doses to normal tissue were less.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- External Beam- Photons: treatment planning/virtual clinical studies
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