(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: Implementation of radiation safety practices for a patient whose health declined after administration of 250 mCi of I-131 and subsequently expired.
Methods: 250 mCi of I-131 was administered to a patient for thyroid ablation radiotherapy on an inpatient basis utilizing accepted radiation safety practices. The patient subsequently died due to non-therapy related health issues.
Results: Radiation Safety was notified approximately 12 hours post administration that the patient had vomited and was in respiratory distress, due to non-therapy related health issues. Computed Tomography imaging and transfer to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) was required. The patient’s health continued to decline.
Radiation Safety maintained radiation control for everyone who interacted with the patient by setting up clean and contaminated boundaries. Everything leaving the patient room was surveyed. The patient was catheterized, and the collection bag was surveyed indicating minimal kidney function for clearing iodine. The patient continued to decline. Radiation safety worked with the family to develop a time and distance strategy to maintain regulatory requirements while allowing family members time for their final goodbyes.
Upon the patient’s passing, the body was cleared and then washed by nursing and radiation staff prior to being double bagged. The patient measured 30 mR/hr at one meter.
Radiation safety performed a site visit to the funeral home following the embalming process to assess safety for funeral services. Radiation Safety verified that all work surfaces and tools were not contaminated.
Conclusion: Radiation Safety practices were implemented in all areas that the patient was transported and to allow the family to have final goodbyes to their family member. Radiation safety measures were implemented in the morgue and at the funeral home to ensure no contamination.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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