(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Ultrasound (US) is an important imaging modality in brachytherapy (BT). In particular for low-dose-rate (LDR) and high-dose-rate (HDR) prostate implants, transrectal US is widespread; but European guidelines for quality assurance (QA) or US in BT are lacking. The purpose of this study was to develop such guidelines.
The BRAPHYQS and UroGEC working groups of GEC-ESTRO developed guidelines describing QA methods for US in BT. Existing literature was studied in detail for a comprehensive review of the state of the art, experiences of the working group members were summarized, QA procedures were systematically reviewed and tested.
The main aim of the guidelines is consideration of digital US systems and stepping devices as the basic imaging tool for guidance and navigation during implantation and for US-based treatment planning.
The guidelines are structured in 12 sections. After the introduction and general physical aspects of US, commercially-available US QA phantoms for BT are presented and described. General tests of the US device are shown in the next section. One section focuses on QA for stepping devices. This is of great importance as both in-out and rotational positions of the stepper are often linked to the treatment planning system for the purposes of image acquisition, needle guidance, and needle reconstruction and have direct impact to the treatment planning process. The template calibration for BT prostate treatment is described in detail using adequate water temperature as well as implant needle reconstruction. In the last sections, daily checks, and a summary QA sheet on test procedures including test frequency and limits are presented.
The recommendations explain practical test procedures of US devices in BT. They will help to implement a QA program with standardized procedures to ensure performance at a high level of quality in daily clinical routine of US in BT.
Brachytherapy, Ultrasonics, Quality Assurance
TH- Brachytherapy: Calibration & Quality Assurance
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