(Tuesday, 7/14/2020) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: Track 5
In recent years, radiation therapy has moved towards individualized planning incorporating MRI imaging for better targeting of cancers. The improved accuracy and enabled through the integration of MRI has contributed to the rise in hypofractionated, stereotactic treatments, an enabled new adaptive approaches to treatment delivery. Medical physicists are responsible for commissioning, validating, and maintaining new complex technologies, and need to provide guidance and instruction to therapists and radiation oncologist on their use, potentials, and limitations. While MRI-only workflows for simulation, treatment planning, and treatment adaption have been topics of great research interest for some time, these technologies have now been translated to the clinical practice. There is a need for practical educational sessions to disseminate information and share practical experience on the commissioning and clinical implementation of these technologies.
This practical educational session focuses the commissioning and deployment of MRI-only technology for planning and treatment delivery. The speakers will focus on their experience (i) implementing and managing simulation and planning workflows allowing MRI-only planning; (ii) commissioning MRI-guided treatment delivery and adaptation technology; and (iii) deploying these adaptive therapy techniques in the clinical practice. Finally, the speakers will discuss differences in implementations among the available commercial solutions for these technologies.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn technical and logistical aspects for the implementation of MRI-only planning.
2. Build familiarity with commissioning techniques and pitfalls for MRI-guided treatment units.
3. Understand how to implement adaptive technology in the clinic.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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