(Sunday, 7/12/2020) 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: Track 2
Ontologies provide interoperable frameworks for organizing information needed to automate searching for and reasoning about key data elements and relationships in fields of expertise such as biology and genomics. The progress of informatics researchers in radiation therapy and diagnostic imaging in developing computer systems for extracting clinical information form electronic health record systems is driving efforts of several groups to create standardized ontologies supporting cancer care. However, there are substantial gaps in understanding of how ontologies will factor into clinical care. This panel will discuss current and past ontology efforts within AAPM and how these efforts integrate with emerging data transmission standards such as HL7-FHIR. Approaches toward integration of AAPM effort with ASTRO and other stakeholders to develop a coherent system will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the difference between ontologies, lexicons, taxonomies and nomenclatures
2. Understand what a graph data base is and why and ontology is important to it
3. Understand the several groups actively working on developing a formalized, standardized ontology
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