(Monday, 7/13/2020) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: Track 4
The American College of Radiology (ACR) is a dynamic medical specialty society representing approximately 39,000 radiologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and medical physicists. The College has undertaken several initiatives in recent years that benefit medical physicists. The first presentation in this session will provide a brief and high-level update on the activities of the ACR.
The ACR released early in 2020 their Manual on MR Safety, which updates and supersedes previous guidance from the ACR on safety in the MR environment. The second presentation of this session will focus on summarizing the content of the ACR Manual on MR Safety, as well as upcoming changes to the ACR MR Accreditation Program.
The ACR Dose Index Registry (DIR) has been actively collecting and reporting on CT practice patterns since 2011. In recent years, the ACR has been developing DIR-Fluoro, and is finalizing its pilot study. The third presentation of this session will describe DIR-Fluoro, including challenges and solutions in the process of participating, online and real-time reports, and the timeline for DIR-Fluoro rollout.
Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) systems with Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) now represent over three quarters of the installed mammography systems in the United States. The 2018 ACR Digital Mammography QC Manual is the only manufacturer-agnostic Alternative Standard approved by the FDA for all FFDM and DBT systems. The new ACR manual was designed to be streamlined and relevant for modern mammography practices, but adopting this paradigm is not without challenges. The final presentation in this session will cover advantages of adopting the new manual, challenges to adoption, and updates on common regulatory issues.
The session will conclude with Q&A with all of the presenters.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand more about the breadth of activities at the ACR
2. Appreciate opportunities for ACR Members in Physics
3. Learn contents of ACR Manual on MR Safety
4. Understand upcoming changes in the ACR MR Accreditation Program
5. Understand process of creating ACR Dose Index Registry – Fluoroscopy
6. Learn current status and near-term plans for rollout of DIR-Fluoro
7. Understand challenges of, and proposed solutions to, getting connected to DIR-Fluoro
8. Learn about paradigm shifts in 2018 ACR Digital Mammography QC Manual
9. Identify key items for consideration when facilities want to transition to the 2018 ACR Digital Mammography QC Manual
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