(Monday, 7/13/2020) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: Track 3
Although Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratories (ADCLs) have been around for decades, there are many physicists who still don't understand how they work and what goes into the values that they use for their most important dosimetry measurements. Its important for physicists to understand the meaning of their calibration coefficient and how to use it properly so that patients are being treated safely. In this session, several topics will be covered including questions that are routinely asked of ADCL staff, such as why diodes and diamond detectors can't be calibrated, why external beam calibrations are still performed with a Cobalt-60 source, where do well counters for radio-pharmaceuticals get calibrated, and more. There are misconceptions about the role of manufacturer-provided calibrations and whether or not those values should be used. In recent years there are new services offered by ADCLs as well as some that have been discontinued. Many people don't know the difference between an ADCL and an SSDL. The purpose of this session on ADCLs is to provide AAPM members with an overview of how ADCLs function, their role for clinical physicists, a review of new services, and to provide answers to the most common questions fielded by ADCL staff.
Learning Objectives:
1. The attendees will learn about the purposes of an ADCL and how they are accredited by the AAPM for its members.
2. The attendees will learn what detectors and sources can be calibrated by an ADCL and why some types are not able to be calibrated
3. The attendees will learn about new calibration services, discontinued calibration services, and calibration services anticipated for the future.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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