(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: To provide an understanding of the process for sites completing credentialing and/or phantom irradiations through services at IROC Houston.
Methods: IROC Houston issues credentialing letters for 74 different NCI NCTN clinical trials. The most common credentialing requirement is an anthropomorphic phantom irradiation. Others include IGRT credentialing and various benchmark cases. IROC Houston has compiled some guidelines to help create an educational tool for the radiation therapy community.
Results: The process for credentialing begins with a Credentialing Status Inquiry (CSI) form, which is filled out by a site wanting to be credentialed for a specific protocol. IROC-Houston checks the requirements stated by the protocol and if all are met, the site is issued an approval email for the requested protocol. However, if they fail to meet all the requirements, an email is sent with information about what is missing and appropriate links to facilitate completion. Typical response time for the CSI form is 2-5 business days. IGRT credentialing and benchmarks have a typical response time frame of 2-3 weeks. Phantom requests can typically be filled within 1-3 weeks. Sites are allowed 10 business days to plan and irradiate the phantom and can expect results 4-6 weeks after irradiation as long as all data is submitted in a timely manner. Some phantom irradiations can be shared with sister institutions in certain circumstances. Sites must share a physics group and a radiation oncology group. The must also have the same machine manufacturer, same planning system, same delivery technique and same algorithm.
Conclusion: With an increasing demand for various IROC Houston’s services, the need to effectively communicate the process and intricacies of credentialing and phantom irradiations to the radiation therapy community becomes more prominent.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by IROC-Houston NCI grant #CA180803.
Quality Assurance, Clinical Trials, Phantoms
TH- External Beam- Photons: Quality Assurance - Linear accelerator
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