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Producing Clinical Data in Real-Time From An Automated and Paperless Workflow Implemented in Our Oncology Information System

H Miras del Rio1*, A Bertolet Reina2, A Wals1, J Macias1, (1) Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Seville (SPAIN), ,(2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


(Sunday, 7/12/2020)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room: AAPM ePoster Library

Purpose: To show an integrated workflow into our OIS (MOSAIQ, Elekta Medical Systems) devoted with a twofold objective: (a) to consistently produce real-world clinical data; and (b) to allow for a paperless, efficient and coordinated performance of our department.

Methods: A list of individual tasks to be accomplished by each member of the staff was designed in cooperation among physicians and physicists. An automated system sequentially triggers new tasks following a logical workflow. Together with task completions, customized forms are automatically prompted for the user to introduce relevant patient-specific clinical data regarding each step of the radiotherapy process. All data collected this way is dumped into Microsoft Word documents, from which we extract them into a structured database by means of a specifically-designed code in Visual Basic for Word language. Forms and Word documents, in turn, act as a source of information, easily accessible by any staff member to accomplish any further task along the patient treatment.

Results: Our system was fully set up in our institution by the end of 2018. As of its implementation, a total paperless performance has been achieved. Clinical data referring all the stages of the radiotherapy process has been automatically collected and stored for a pool of 1,184 patients only during 2019.

Conclusion: The implementation of our automatized workflow has been able to attain several achievements. Namely: the time spent by all professionals in carrying out their routine tasks has been reduced; the need for printing pieces of paper has been completely cancelled out; all the relevant information has been centralized in a single source; and massive standardized and structured clinical data is being generated and stored in real-time in an effortless way. The further exploitation of this data to drive clinical decision remains as our future line of development.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: A. Bertolet was supported by the Andalusian Public Foundation for Research in Seville (FISEVI) and Elekta Medical Systems Spain. A. Wals, H. Miras and J. Macias have not relation with whatever funding source related to this project.


Data Acquisition


IM/TH- Informatics: Data archiving - Therapy

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