(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: carcinoma (HCC) is a major cause of cancer-related death worldwide. In recent Saudi Cancer Registry of year 2015, liver cancer ranked sixth among Saudi males and twelfth among Saudi females. There were 376 liver cancer cases accounted to 3.1% of all cancer cases diagnosed among Saudi nationals in 2015.In order to estimate the survival, the distribution among female and male also the response after radioembolization treatmentwith 90Y microspheres in National Guard Health Affairs Hospital, the patients’ data were collected and analyzed.
Methods: this work the patients’ data were collected from 2015 to 2019, a total of 140 liver cancer cases were treated by Y-90. There were 90 cases treated one time, 22 cases treated twice, and 2 cases treated for three times. Because of the missing information regarding the first diagnostic and death for some patients, only a total of 34 patients data had been treated and analyzed. The survival functions were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier estimator from the date of liver cancer diagnosis to the date of last follow up (events). Patients who met the following criteria were eligible for inclusion in the study of HCC cancer. Tumor dose up to 160 Gy was delivered for the treatment of only one liver lobe. Patients with dose more than 160 Gy, and patients treated for the whole liver were excluded from the study and considered as censored. The calculated survival duration has been calculated as number of weeks based on SEER*Stat statistical software.
Results: our results the proportion of five types of liver cancer were analyzed, we found out that some types of cancer have a major contribution compare it to the total patients treated in national guard health affairs hospital, we have a total of 140 cases all of them underwent a treatment with Yttrium 90. Overall, Most of patients had hepatocellular carcinoma with a total of 87%. Other type of liver cancer included the following: colorectal metastases with contribution of6%, cholangiocarcinomacontributed by only 4%, neuroendocrine tumourby 2%; and finally 1% for Gallbladder metastatic cancer.Our results showed that the survival afterradioembolization with 90Y microspherescan increase by 12% for two fraction treatment, the increase can reach 37% in case of three fractions. fractioning the dose has clear effect on the survival from 51 to 88 weeks for patients received 3 fraction of radioembolisation treatment in our hospital we are using thetumor to normal liver uptake ratios as standard value for safe dosimetry, the standardization of the treatment can lead to underestimate or overestimate the dose calculation.In this work our dosimetry method was compared to other method published in literature.
Conclusion: obtained results showed that the number of male patients is almost twice the number of female; alsothe multi-fraction treatment can increase the survival by12 to 37% for more than a single fraction.
Radiation Dosimetry, Statistical Analysis
IM- Nuclear Medicine General: Radiation dosimetry & risk
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