(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: latest neurosciences research suggests that the affective dysregulation of the bipolar disorder (BD) arises from the disturbance of the interoceptive circuits. The pathways of the bed nucleus of the stria terminails (BNST) and the insula play an important role in the regulation of interoception. This study aimed to investigate whether the functional connectivity of the BNST and insula changed in the pediatric BD (PBD) patients and related to the clinical and psychological measurement.
Methods: functional connectivity was mapped using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging in individuals with 21 manic PBD patients, 21 euthymic PBD patients and 19 healthy controls. Correlation analysis was used to relate BNST-insula connectivity exhibited interindividual changes to clinical and psychological measurements.
Results: ANOVA analysis among three groups demonstrated the altered BNST-insula connections located in the striatum and insula. The manic PBD showed increased functional connectivity between the left ventral caudate and the right ventral insula and the right dorsal insula related to the healthy controls, the increased functional connectivity between the right ventral caudate and the right nucleus accumbens related to the healthy controls, and increased functional connectivity between the right ventral caudate and the right dorsolateral putamen related to the euthymic PBD. Significant positive correlations of the young mania rating scale with the striatum-insula connectivity were observed.
Conclusion: results suggested that the abnormal connectivity in BNST-insula pathways, especially connections between the striatum and insula associated with the processing of interoception might play an important foundation for the clinical symptom in PBD patients. The findings might add to our understanding the pathophysiological mechanism underlying PBD.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by the Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81371531to Qing Jiao; 81901730 to Weifang Cao), Key Project of Scientific Research of 12th Five-Year Plan in Medical Research of the Army (BWS11J063 to Guangming Lu).
IM- MRI : Functional MRI (fMRI)
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