Room: Track 6
The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP) is an organization that accredits medical physics graduate programs, residency programs, professional doctorate programs, certificate programs, and continuing education programs in medical physics. Accreditation provides a mechanism to document that the education of medical physicists meets standards acceptable for their certification and maintenance of certification by the American Board of Radiology and Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine. The purpose of this program is to introduce the attendees to the process of program accreditation and demonstrate how CAMPEP accredits medical physics educational programs. The relationships between CAMPEP and its five sponsoring organizations, (AAPM, ACR, COMP, RSNA, and ASTRO) as well as the relationships between CAMPEP and the AAPM, ABR, and SDAMPP, will be described.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this Symposium, the participant will:
1. Identify the purpose of medical physics program accreditation
2. Understand the organization of CAMPEP and how it is related to other medical physics organizations
3. Identify the steps in the review of Graduate and Residency Programs including the roles of the Review Committees and the Board
4. Recognize the potential for international accreditation of programs
5. Appreciate the role of CAMPEP in the MedPhys Match
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.