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Mentorship: Let's Look at Both Sides of the Equation

N Barrett1*, Y Rong2*, F Khosa3*, (1) Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, CA, (2) University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA, (3) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA


(Monday, 7/13/2020) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room: Track 6

Mentorship is critical to professional success for people in all career types and at all stages. Effective mentorship has been associated with higher productivity, superior career satisfaction, improved personal resilience, and enhanced recruitment and retention of members of underrepresented groups. However, the means to identify and participate in successful mentoring relationships is rarely formally taught. In this session, we will introduce attendees to mentorship and how to be an effective mentee and/or mentor, using a combination of talks and guided exercises. The many forms of mentorship will be outlined including academic, research, professional, and peer mentoring. The key elements of effective mentoring relationships will be explained, including setting goals and expectations, how to give and receive feedback, and managing different mentor and mentee personalities. A particular focus will be on addressing issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion within formal mentorship programs and individual professional relationships. The symposium will highlight current formal mentorship programs within the AAPM and COMP, identify additional mentorship resources, and provide real-world examples of how to identify mentorship opportunities utilizing both your network and social media. The session will close with a panel discussion with all speakers.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the different types of mentoring and how to manage an effective mentor/mentee relationship, especially with regards to power dynamics, equality, diversity, and inclusion.
2. Through guided activities, be able to identify your mentoring gaps and needs.
3. Learn strategies for identifying mentors through networking and social media, and about programs and resources for both mentees and mentors available through the AAPM and COMP.



Not Applicable / None Entered.


Leadership: Accurate Self-Assessment - Knowing one's own inner resources, abilities and limits.

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