(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: To improve resident confidence in the performance of intracavitary and interstitial tandem/ovoid and needle insertions through the development of a comprehensive multi-material modular 3D printed brachytherapy training kit.
Methods: Normal and cervix pathological conditions based on CT and T2 weighted MR scans from 50 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer were used to base phantom design dimensions. Uterine body lengths, widths, angles of the canal, and HRCTVs were measured. HRCTV locations were recorded to identify pathology volumes. Analysis from the 50-patient dimensional study were used to construct CAD models of the modular uteri and attachable HRCTVs. The vaginal canal was constructed from speculum dimensions and a standard bladder and rectum were used. To simulate realistic physical tensions of human anatomy, elasticity properties of tissues were considered to calculate appropriate flexible and rigid shore values (0-100) assigned to each anatomical structure for multi-material printing.
Results: The final training kit includes three anteverted uteri and one retroverted uterus based on standard deviations and averages. Three clip-on HRCTV attachments based on the average, minimum, and maximum volumes were designed to expand outside of the uterine body. Color staining with different shore values was done to simulate HRCTVs embedded within the uterus. The majority of HRCTVs were found to be present in the lower quadrant of the uterus closest to the cervix.
Conclusion: By exchanging patient HRCTV pathology in a variety of uteri, this comprehensive multi-material 3D printed phantom training kit may be used to help address the decline in physician resident confidence in performing brachytherapy tandem/ovoid and needle insertions. By having a phantom composed of 100% 3D printed materials, the phantom is easily accessible to those with access to a multi-material printer, as well as more financially feasible than manufactured phantoms on the market.
3D, Intracavitary Brachytherapy, Phantoms
TH- Brachytherapy: GYN Intracavity Brachytherapy
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