(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is an option to treat uveal melanoma. However, it usually requires frame based approach with retro-bulbar anesthesia and surgical fixation of the eye. As a result, its availability is very limited. A 3D-printed localization box compatible with BrainLAB frameless SRS system was developed to provide non-invasive SRS treatment at our institution.
Methods: An Ultimaker-S5 printer was used with Polylactic Acid (PLA) as the material, which has an electron density of 1.06, and attenuation factor of 0.95. The localization box was attached to the existing BrainLAB frameless SRS system on its 6-DOF robotic couch. The localization box also accommodated a LED light for gaze focus point for patient, as well as a CCD camera for real time monitoring of the patient eye position.
Results: The box consisted of upper and lower layer brackets. The lower layer bracket was secured to the couch. The upper layer bracket hosted a small LED light and a CCD camera. They were equipped with the nested bracket to achieve free translation in the lateral direction along the convex edge, and locked with small plastic screws. The movement of longitudinal direction could be freely translated through the slide groove and the convex rail between upper and lower layer bracket, and locked with small plastic screws. The scale on upper layer bracket was used to mark the unique position for each patient. The localization box was tested in clinical setting and have been successfully used over 10 patients.
Conclusion: A novel localization box for frameless LINAC-SRS for uveal melanoma was made with 3D printing. It was fully secured to LINAC couch, with a gaze focus point for patient’s eye position and real time video monitoring of eye position during treatment. It enabled treatment for uveal melanoma with our existing frameless SRS platform.
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