(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: is an essential mineral in the human body that is vital for many cellular and organ functions. Role of potassium in diet to combat hypertension and associated diseases has been widely accepted. However less studies are available about how potassium stores and metabolizes in human body. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of small accelerator based in-vivo measurement system for quantification of potassium using a mouse model.
Methods: in-vivo neutron activation analysis (IVNAA) system is based on a DD-109 neutron generator, which generates neutrons at a flux of 1X?10?^9 n/sec. A cohort of eight mice, with four male and four female weighing between 17 to 24 grams, were sacrificed and inserted in the polyethylene vials of 30 ml. These mice were then placed and irradiated in a carefully designed cave built beside the neutron generator with an optimized thermal neutron flux and radiation dose ratio. The irradiation time was 10 minutes, followed by a 10-minute decay and 2-hour measurement by using the high purity germanium detector. Soft-tissue equivalent phantoms doped with different concentrations of potassium-41 (K-41) using potassium nitrate were prepared with similar vials to reduce the uncertainty induced by geometry.
Results: line was obtained with these phantoms before performing experiments on the mice. The average K-41 concentrations was calculated to be approx. 308+/-45µg/g , which is equivalent to a total K concentration of 4606µg/g . The K concentrations of the mice vary between 0.38 to 0.57 % by weight of the mice. The average K-42 concentration in male mice was higher than that in female mice (328+/-47 vs. 289+/-28µg/g). The dose for the 10-minute irradiation recorded with electronic personal dosimeter was approximately 5.2 rem.
Conclusion: work indicates that inn-vivo neutron activation analysis can be a potential way to explore in-vivo potassium storage and metabolism.
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