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Total Skin Electron Therapy Treatment Planning and Dose Distribution Verification Using Cherenkov Imaging and Computer Animation Techniques

T Miao1*, M Jermyn2, R Zhang3, P Bruza4, T Zhu5, B Williams6, D Gladstone7, B Pogue8, (1) Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, (2) DoseOptics LLC, Lebanon, NH, (3) Dartmouth College, Lebanon, NH, AF, (4) Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, (5) University Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (6) Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, (7) Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med. Ctr., Lebanon, NH, (8) Thayer Engineering, Hanover, NH


(Sunday, 7/12/2020)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room: AAPM ePoster Library

Purpose: Surface dose uniformity is the goal of Total skin electron therapy (TSET) in treating Mycosis Fungoides. In this study, we introduce the workflow to predict dose coverage and verify the dose distribution over the patient’s skin using Cherenkov imaging combined with computer animation techniques. This workflow can provide a comparison of dose uniformity between the 6-position Stanford technique and the rotated patient technique.

Methods: A 3D body scanner system was positioned to extract 3D meshes of the patient’s different body positions before and during TSET. A treatment planning system simulated the dose coverage of the different positions based on the acquired 3D meshes, using computer animation techniques and the dose profile measured on the cylinder phantoms. The Cherenkov imaging system was set up to acquire the Cherenkov frames during irradiation. The surface dose distribution was derived from the Cherenkov frames in each position and this image data was then mapped to the patient’s 3D body model using a script that interfaced with the computer animated body model positions matching the actual positions. The total surface dose was calculated by summing up the dose.

Results: Uniform dose distribution can be observed in most regions of the body surface in both TSET techniques. However, anomalies of dose distribution can be observed in the edges of each Stanford technique position from both the simulation result and dose verification result from Cherenkov imaging. In the rotary technique regions of lower exposure can be observed in the inner side of the legs and upper arms.

Conclusion: This study shows that the workflow outlined of computer animation based TSET treatment planning and dose verification can be successful in analyzing the dose uniformity and anomalies for different techniques used in TSET. Dose non-uniformity exists between the legs and arms and at the sides of the subject.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Authors Brian Pogue and Michael Jermyn both disclose that they are employed by the company DoseOptics LLC. Author Petr Bruza has sponsored research financially supported by DoseOptics LLC, through his employment at Dartmouth College. The other authors have no financial interests to disclose related to this work.


Not Applicable / None Entered.


IM- Optical : Image Simulation

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