(Sunday, 7/12/2020) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room: AAPM ePoster Library
SmartAdapt?? is a deformable image registration (DIR) tool integrated within the Eclipse?? treatment planning system (TPS) (Varian, Palo Alto, CA). Contrary to Varian’s main DIR platform Velocity??, SmartAdapt V13.6 is free and available by default to Eclipse users but is limited by the inability to transfer dose from deformed CT studies, an asset in adaptive planning in radiotherapy. In this work we describe a method to perform dose deformation in Eclipse (ARIA V13.6) using SmartAdapt with only an easy to use MATLAB?? application.
The proposed process of deforming dose requires four main steps: i) perform DIR in SmartAdapt, ii) export files out of Eclipse, iii) deform dose using MATLAB application and iv) import the newly deformed dose into Eclipse. This process produces a new plan in Eclipse that contains the source dose distribution deformed to the target CT study. Verification of our method was performed using five pairs of CT studies from five patients replanned or retreated in the same region. For each pair of CT studies the difference between the deformed and planned dose was compared for 15 markers linked by the DIR.
The proposed process successfully produces a deformed dose distribution within 10 minutes (start to end) and the actual dose deformation in the MATLAB script takes less than 30 seconds. The results of the verification showed a difference below 10^-7 cGy (within rounding accuracy) between all five paired CT studies confirming that our method is accurately applying SmartAdapt’s DIR.
The proposed method enables users of the Eclipse TPS to perform deformable dose transformation with SmartAdapt using a MATLAB application. This is an affordable option for small or medium size clinics that cannot access otherwise more costly software such as Velocity.
Deformation, Registration, Dose
TH- External Beam- Photons: adaptive therapy
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