Room: AAPM ePoster Library
Purpose: IAEA seeks to standardize training course content and delivery, based on QC procedures that include feedback from evaluations and comparisons of knowledge assessment results. Several training courses on small field dosimetry have been held since 2015. Five of these courses used standardized course material that was developed by experts and based on the IAEA?AAPM TRS 483 Code of Practice. QC of knowledge assessment was performed by evaluating the scoring of questions of entry and exit exams distributed during different editions of the training courses on small field dosimetry.
Methods: The correct answers to a selection of ten multiple-choice questions that were administered before and after each small field dosimetry course, were compared. The results obtained for the same questions that were used in all five courses were compared. Correct answers and their distribution per quartile were compared to identify trends and inform amendments to the course package. This process is necessary to ensure that the questions that will be used for a future self-paced e-learning package are easily understood.
Results: The performance on two of the questions resulted in consistently low (<50%) scores in both tests across all editions of the courses. One question had very good scores at entry and exit and can therefore be considered redundant for assessing knowledge gained. Questions with persistently bad scores point to material that needs to be explained better, topics that should be allocated more time or questions that should be rephrased. Since different experts were used to teach on the courses, the scoring could not be linked to the quality of instruction. Overall, the test results showed that participants gained from the course.
Conclusion: Overall, the test results showed that participants gained from the course. QC of knowledge assessment will be used to improve an educational package on small field dosimetry.
Absolute Dosimetry, Dosimetry Protocols, Radiation Dosimetry