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The IROC Houston Quality Assurance Center's Independent Peer Review QA Program

D Followill*, J Lowenstein, A Molineu, P Alvarez, P Taylor, S Kry, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center - IROC, Houston, TX


(Sunday, 7/12/2020)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room: AAPM ePoster Library

Purpose: the magnitude and extent of independent peer review quality assurance audits performed by the IROC Houston QA Center.

Methods: IROC Houston utilizes a series of remote and onsite quality assurance (QA) audits to verify radiation therapy (RT) institutions ability to deliver photon, electron and proton radiation doses in an accurate and precise manner. These activities were led by a group of 6 dedicated medical physicists. These tools include remote verification of RT machine output using TLD or OSLD, use of remote end to end anthropomorphic phantoms for advance technological RT treatments, review of patient case charts, onsite dosimetry review visits to select RT sites and various credentialing methodologies.

Results: Currently, IROC Houston, provides QA audits to 2.313 RT institutions primarily in North America, but also at sites in 51 other countries. In 2019, 21,164 OSLD/TLD machine beam output checks were performed on nearly 4000 therapy machines. 738 patient cases and 137 benchmark cases were reviewed. A total of 744 photon and proton end-to-end QA phantoms were shipped to RT sites all over the world and 251 IGRT processes were evaluated as part of our credentialing activities. A total of 3,383 clinical trial credentialing letters were sent to institutions. Sixteen institutions received an onsite dosimetry review visit. To date a total of 28 proton centers have been approved to participate in clinical trials.

Conclusion: The IROC Houston QA Center is the largest independent peer review QA office in the world in terms of outreach to centers around the world and volume of QA audits performed each year. Discrepancies continue to be found and assistance with correcting them is provided.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: CA 180803 grant


Quality Assurance


TH- Radiation Dose Measurement Devices: Phantoms for dosimetric measurement

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