Improving Health Through Medical Physics


Jennifer Pursley, PhD | Boston, MA

AAPM Newsletter — Volume 43 No. 6 — November | December 2018

The WPSC met on Saturday July 28, 2018, before AAPM Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN. Attendees included committee members and guest members of AAPM, who are always welcome to join the meeting. Laura Cerviño, committee Chair, led the discussion, which started with a round of introductions.

Topics of discussion were far ranging and included the annual WPSC luncheon scheduled for later in the week, sexual harassment in the workplace, outreach efforts including the WPSC newsletter, collaboration with other women in science groups, nominating more women for awards and fellowship, and plans for a leadership conference targeted for mid-career women. The group approved highly of the efforts AAPM had made to develop and publicize a code of professional conduct for the Annual Meeting; this code was presented on posters around the convention center.

There was also a discussion on the pilot childcare program at the Annual Meeting; anecdotally, many parents had made childcare arrangements before hearing AAPM would be offering a childcare option, so the program utilization is expected to increase as more people become aware of it. There was a lengthy discussion of the #MeToo movement and its relevance in medical physics, given the heated discussion on the Med Phys listserv around sexual harassment and the experiences of women AAPM members.

The group also proposed ideas for assisting with AAPM's new Diversity and Inclusion strategic goal, about which more details are given in Laura Cerviño's article "Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategic Goal" in this edition of the Newsletter.

Overall it was a productive meeting, and the WPSC is excited at the opportunity to help AAPM achieve its strategic goals. For any feedback to the WPSC, you can reach the entire committee at Please make plans to join us for the meeting next year in San Antonio!

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