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ABR MOC: A View From the Trenches, and a Peek Behind the Curtain

K Kanal1*, (1) University Washington, Seattle, WA


(Tuesday, 4/7/2020) 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM [Mountain Time (GMT-6)]

The current American Board of Radiology's Maintenance of Certification program has been in place since 2012, when the concept of Continuous Certification was introduced. For ABR Diplomates participating in MOC, there is sometimes the sense that the different requirements can be overwhelming. This session seeks to lay out practical advice for staying organized and up to date with MOC with tips gathered from individuals actively involved in MOC. The session will prove an excellent primer for those who have recently achieved Diplomate status as well as prove educational for those who have been active in MOC for several years. Additionally, the session will give audience members a peek at what goes into developing the MOC program. Over the years, as changes have been introduced and refined, the ABR board members are tasked with ensuring that the MOC program is relevant and supports the mission of the ABR to certify that diplomates demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skill and understanding of their disciplines to the benefit of patients. The session will examine how the ABR assesses current MOC practices as well as how improvements to the program are considered and implemented.

Learning Objectives:
1) To understand what the current MOC program requires of participating Diplomates.
2) To gain practical insight into what tools, websites, and organizations help the ABR Diplomate complete and track their MOC progress.
4) To understand the roles and responsibilities of ABR Medical Physics Trustees.
3) To learn how the MOC program is assessed and how changes are reviewed and implemented.


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