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Catch Me If You Can - Finding Errors Better, Faster, More Completely

P Xia1*, L Schubert2*, P Johnson3*, (1) The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, (2) University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO, (3) University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute, Jacksonville, FL


(Sunday, 4/5/2020) 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM [Mountain Time (GMT-6)]

Improving the pre-treatment plan review is a current priority of the AAPM. In TG-275 a survey and risk-based analysis were performed to guide recommendations related to workflow, content, policies and procedures, and software design. TG-315 was later tasked with translating this work into a set of minimum practice standards to be published as MPPG #11. The Work Group on Prevention of Errors in Radiation Oncology has subsequently focused on education and ways to integrate these concepts during resident training and ongoing/continuing training of practicing physicists. In this session, these efforts will be discussed, specifically the content of MPPG #11 and the use of simulated error training for the physics plan review. In the first presentation, the roles of dosimetrists, physicists in training, and qualified medical physicists will be defined for the plan review process. Additionally, the timing and structure of the review will be discussed in relation to TG-275 and the development of minimum practice standards. In the second and third presentations, simulated error training will be introduced as well as a series of mock treatment plans embedded with a variety of errors based on TG-275’s risk assessment. The mock plans include documentation, screen shots, and videos derived from common TPS/ROIS. In the remaining time, attendees will review a number of these datasets and participate in a guided discussion based on the types of errors detected, the use of systematic search methods, and how the datasets can be used to as an educational tool for residents and practicing physicists.
*Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptop to fully participate in the hands-on exercise.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the definitions, roles, and minimum practice standards related to the physics plan review.
2. Learn how to develop structured search strategies based on TG-315 and TG-275 recommendations.
3. Learn the rationale for simulated error training and its use as an educational tool for trainees and practicing physicists.
4. Learn how the WGPE simulation datasets were created and how they can be used to practice error detection.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: P. Johnson- No Disclosures L. Schubert- No Disclosures P. Xia- research grants from Philips and AOV


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