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Task Group Creation and Effective Report Development

B Fraass1*, M Miften2*, C Mayo3*, (1) Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, (2) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, (3) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


(Monday, 4/6/2020) 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM [Mountain Time (GMT-6)]

TG Creation and Effective Report Development

With so many critical Task Group Reports coming out each year, and the recent coordinated efforts to develop related MPPGs, this session will describe the creation and development of task group reports. A new method for creation of Task Groups is being introduced which will bring more transparency and clarity into the TG creation process. We will also describe the ways in which the organization works to support the development and quality of the TG report as the groups do their work, including focus on the lessons learned about what goes into creating a successful Task Group Report as well as highlighting common pitfalls that have plagued some previous reports. The session will feature chairs of several recently published TG reports so they can share methods for addressing obstacles as well as highlighting successful ways to integrate ideas and members from the ever broadening team of invested stakeholders, as many of our TG Reports now have implications to partner societies, regulatory bodies, and the practice of Medical Physics nationally and internationally.

Learning Objectives:
1) Understand the creation and development of Task Group Reports.
2) Learn what are the most common obstacles and pitfalls that can delay TG Reports.
3) Learn how effective communication increases the impact of the TG reports beyond just AAPM Members

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