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Communicating Risk: CT and CARES Campaign

S Brady1*, R Marsh2*, (1) Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Ctr, Cincinnati, OH, (2) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO


(Monday, 4/6/2020) 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM [Mountain Time (GMT-6)]

When communicating with patients and caregivers, clinical physicists need to consider their level of understanding and cause for concern. Often concerns with other aspects of the imaging procedure, such as anesthesia and contrast administration, manifest as a fear of radiation. A truthful, sympathetic and kind dialogue with the patient is the best way to gain trust, understand their true concerns and communicate the answers to their questions effectively.

In April of 2019, AAPM released Position Statement (PP 32-A), which discusses the science behind patient fetal and gonadal shielding and the reasons for abandoning this decades-old practice. This has generated much discussion within the radiology community about the role of patient shielding in clinical imaging. This session will discuss the science behind patient fetal and gonadal shielding, the data presented in AAPM PP 32-A, arguments that have been made against PP 32-A, and current efforts both within AAPM and among other national and international organizations in determining what is “best practice” for patient shielding in medical imaging.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the important aspects of communicating with patients.
2. Recognize effective methods of patient communication.
3. Understand the historical use of patient shielding.
4. Learn about the science of patient shielding.
5. Understand current conversations about the topic of patient shielding and the impact this is having on clinical practice.


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